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The Vision

Because of the viewers, I have personally taken a dedicated passion to this project.

Proceeds from the sell of these items go directly towards the creation of more AutoBeef content such as the fully animated series that is currently in production as you read this!

The animated series will be rolling out this fall (rough but still entertaining). Think Initial D meets early Fast n Furious, meets Robot Chicken...

The live blog will feature stories of each character arc so stay tuned to that indeed!

I personally want to thank every individual possible, but time doesnt allow, so I do hope that this note suffices in letting you know just how appreciative I am.

  • Tiktok Viewer Directed Videos

    The viewers and followers are a big part of how AutoBeef stays alive!

    Listening to YOU helps guide each episode.

    Your Engagement Matters!


    I'm putting together a project to bring this series to life...well, animated life...think of it as Initial D meets Cars meets the real world!

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